Kriya Reiki is the integration of both Kriya Yoga and Reiki. After vigorous practice of these two systems separately, taking initiation of Kriya Yoga (Deeksha), I got the intuitive message from the Kriya Yoga Gurus to combine both the practices for the effective results of these wonderful systems. After the continuous Guidance of Kriya Yoga Gurus and Reiki Grandmasters, I could formulate Kriya Reiki successfully. During this process I was also gifted intuitively some symbols in my Kriya Reiki Meditation.
I am deeply indebted to Kriya Yoga Gurus Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda, Sri Yukteshwar, Sri Lahiri Mahashay, Shri Mahavtar Babaji and Reiki Grand Masters Dr.Mikao Usui , Dr.Chujiro Hayashi and Mrs Hawayo Takata for their in Intuitive Guidance during my Meditation to make an attempt to formulate Kriya Reiki meditation with the principles and techniques for successful rapid expeditious and swift results in attaining connection with superconsciousness.
Kriya Yoga is an ancient Meditation method, experiencing in the divinity within our own souls. Kriya yoga channelises the life force or Prana through specific passages in the spine. Kriya Yoga is an ultimate Yoga practice to unite our Body, Mind and God. This is the perfect Yoga to realise our Souls. Now scientists have been explaining the scientific ways for metaphysical systems such as Quantum Physics, Astrophysics and Psychology.
The practice of Kriya Reiki breathing awakens the Sushumna. We touch the third eye that is in the Pineal Gland, a link connecting with other areas of the brain that activate consciousness and personalities. When the dynamic energy of our third eye chakra is activated the rest of the brain functions optimally. The properties with the Third Eye are transparency in the internal as well as the external vision, higher intuitive perception, wisdom, spirituality and creative intelligence.
In Kriya Reiki Practice I observed that though I was journeying in Astral Projection, I was conscious of my surroundings. I could experience both conscious and superconscious states. Really it was an amazing and unexplainable experience. Sometimes I could feel the vision of Spiritual Teachers, Saints, Gods and Goddesses. when we have reached the final goal, we have nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to feel. There is nothing but ourselves. It was a great experience.
In 2010 I started teaching Kriya Reiki method to some Reiki Masters and second level Reiki students. I have been teaching this Kriya Reiki only to second level Reiki students because they are familiar with Reiki symbols as well as reach higher levels. Reiki Channels are learning Kriya Reiki and practicing now sincerely without leaving, enjoying the fruitful results of getting inner peace. My profuse thanks to all my Kriya Reiki channels for having encouraged me and especially Reiki Master Smt.Nalini Gopalan who has inspired all her second level students to become Kriya Reiki channels.
The Reiki Higher Level 2nd and 3rd level Practioners are eligible to join to become KriyaReiki Channels . It is taught free to all. 🙏